As i have pointed out i graduated last year, but due to the rather turbulent
economical climate we are in jobs
aren't exactly common, i have many many friends both from my course and others that are having trouble finding a job, now for me the money side is not the main issue,
I'm lucky enough to live at home still and my parents are wonderful (and i mean that) and i have a small
business that makes a little pocket money, but my main problem is
boredom, and when i get bored i get down, and when i get down i get bored... and so on and so forth, so to try and remedy this i am looking at more
volunteering, rather than with children with wildlife. My local wildlife hospital needs men! as they have some
DIY that needs doing and they seem to think men are better than women (not my view!)
Now this leads me to an
interesting point, do our lovely
government support
voluntary groups enough? Sure the scouts is a massive group, but with out these small
Charity's like The South Essex Wildlife Hospital there would be hundreds of animals injured each year that had no hope of recovery. Come on
Government, give Charities a Break give them some help,
especially in this climate.
That's all for tonight