Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Wrong Wrong Wrong

ok i have to play the personal card here, i have a degree in product design. Im not showing off... im just showing my reasons for some of what i am about to say,


So the Scout HQ have noticed that some of the unofficial casual clothing selling really well, and of course want a slice of the pie, so after alot of work and much thinking (and i bet a fair bit of money) they come up with i.scout, yep thats it, i.scout, of course so smart they think as it makes a comment, yeah that i scout, and its also so up to date with the whole (over used) ipod and iphone and ianythingelsewewantpeopletothinkiscool.

well in my view there is one word for this (in my view) FAIL!

but im but one person and i dont think in am in the remit (they want to sell it to younger people)

good luck to them, but for me its scout and proud, or scouting is....
next time TSA, ask people in the know that are out there in scouting, rather than trying so hard to make a "cool" logo and failing!

Troop Diiiismiiised
(ps ill put a photo up later, or a linky to a site)

Monday, 8 September 2008

Guerrila Cooking

*imagain the scene, you are stood in a ruined supermarket, a strong wind and acid rain has whipped all the lables off the cans of food, all you can see is piles of unknown foods, but your hungry, time to take the dive*

thats the basis to Guerrila cooking, the scouts are given a pick of cans and they get to cook a 2 course meal with out knowing what they get till they open the can,

its all fun and i get to see how smart my scouts are and if they need more training in cooking!

it also makes for an intresting dinner at home, ....

well thats all for now i got some paper work to file


Every year theres a large gathering of adults in scouting at Gilwell park, this year i went (for the 4 or 5th time) with a group of other people i have known for a fair while.
Now I walk faitly fast (stick with me there is a point here) but this year it took me over an hour to walk what normally takes me 10 minutes! the only reason was due to the number of people i bumped in to and had to catch up with. One of the most intresting Convostations i had was with a 55 ish old leader (as we all know im in my early - mid twentys) about what scouts is about and for both of us, it came down to common point. The Common point, its something that we can talk about in a instant, theres conection.

The other thing we noticed is when i was young saying i was a scout was seen as a little.... Sad?
now its more seen as something cool, alot of the older adults say now the people they talk to are really impressed that they are still in scouting.

Well after that weekend, i want a good night sleep (i had far to much fun, lots of danceing and adult beverages)

Troop Dismissed

(ill tell you more when im awake and alive, and i hopefully have my laptop back)

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


Deciding what to do 4 months in advance is fun, especially as you have no idea as to the weather. Even the greatest event or evening can be ruined by a few drops of rain.
so this year i had a great idea... i have a new word in my specialised vocabluary...


its raining and i didnt being a coat (despite being told you must)


oooh i wore my best trainers event though you said we would be walking thru mud


owies i got stung by a stinging nettle on my knee in my shorts... (you have got it by now)


if its a real problem then we sort it, but a little rain never hurt anyone... i mean i used to get soaked and im ok... aint i?

thats all for tonight

Troop Dismissed!