Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Another week another newbie

So TSA (the scout association) have come up with a great new idea for getting new scouts in, its a group finder you put in your postcode and it emails the local District cominisioner (DC) , they in turn look at a map and work out your local group, and then email the Group scout leader (GLS), how in turn emails the effective leader for the group, in this case the Scout leader (SL) aka me!
and then i email the parent of the of the potential new scout...

does it work? in my single case... yes!
is it worth while... if it gets more people in scouting yes!

now as its that time of year i seem to get all the too old cubs. in this case i have had 6 new Scubs (not quite scouts not quite cubs) enough to cause any scout leader stress!

Troop Dismissed